Monday, April 28, 2014

Welcome to me

A few years back I had a blog that I had to shut down.  Turned out that a certain ex-wife was trolling and then tried to use a couple of my posts in Court in a custody battle.

So this blog is different.  New blog posts will be automatically posted to my new website  The purpose of this blog is to provide more inspiration material and some insight into the man I am today.

In years past I did some pretty bad things.  While I can't change my past I do control my future.  My future provides me the opportunity to be the man I once was.  For the last couple of years especially, I have conducted my affairs with honor, grace and dignity.  I am actively working on fixing my old ways of deceit and trying to rebuild a reputation that I once enjoyed.

As of the date of this writing, I am nearly four years sober.  I've turned my life around and am taking the long walk to try to earn people's trust again.